
台灣 台北 首屆PhiRemoval 除色課程 First PhiRemoval Training in Taipei, Taiwan

Congratulations to everyone!  We are happy to successfully organize our first ever PhiRemoval Training in Taipei, Taiwan.  Thank you so much to our Grand Master Ella Sakalauskiėne and our students from Taipei!  Welcome to the PhiRemoval family and wish you all for your successful in your tattoo removal career! 恭喜各位!首屆台灣台北的 PhiRemoval 除色課程完美舉行,謝謝資深導師 Grand Master Ella Sakalauskiėne 專程來到台北為我們教授最新的除色技術,謝謝向位來自台北的同學,歡迎您們來到刺青和紋繡的除色世界,祝大家除色事業成功!  

PhiLings Training Hong Kong Mar 2019年3月香港首屆明眸提升及抗衰老全方位課程

PhiLings 可針對的皮膚問題多樣化,效果顯著,全球唯一 MTS + Phi-Ion 混合技巧全方位課程,非入侵性療程或高能量儀器使用,安全有效,任何人都可以成為您的目標客戶! PhiLings is currently the only MTS + Phi-Ion combined technique training which you could offer treatments for anyone in the market! Non-invasive neither high energy devices involved, safe and highly effective! 首屆 香港課程!3月25-26日 First ever Hong Kong Training! 25-26th March! 由PhiAcademy 顧問醫生 @doctor.phi 親自任教!with Dr. Phi Vladimir Zec M.D.! 課程包含2天實體課、兩部專用儀器、專用產品及護理套裝、3個月線上課程及國際資格證書,萬勿錯過! 2 Days Live Training! plus 2 professional devices, product kits & aftercare kits, 3 months online training and internationally recognized certificate! 💪🏻 英文授課、中文翻譯 Instruction inRead More