等離子專業課程 Plasma Training for Professionals
兩天共 7小時
2 days/total 7 hours
小班教學 Focused Learning 1 to 2 person
課程內容 Contents
皮膚理論 Theoretical studies about skin
皮膚病、皮膚問題 Skin conditions and lesions
療程及操作禁忌 Contraindications for the treatment
Fibroblast Lifting 設計技巧 (面、眼皮、身體)Design & patterns (face, eyelid & body)
無結焦式微創提升操作 Scab free minimal trauma lifting
認識疤痕、妊娠紋,治療及改善疤痕的手法與禁忌 Treating scars and stretch marks
脫痣、脫疣技巧 Warts & moles removal
導入技巧 Permeating technique
個案研習 Case studies
真人實操 Model practice
日程 Schedule
第一天 Day 1 – 4hours
理論、個案研習及模擬練習 Theory, Case Studies & Simulated Practice
第二天 Day 2 – 3 hours
真人實操 Model Practice
韓國 真Plasma 醫療級儀器,加送韓國證書
Medical grade real plasma device with Korean Certificate
無線充電款醫療級等離子儀器 +課程及證書
Wireless battery charge medical grade plasma device + training & Certificate
HK$ 26600
修讀要求 Prerequisite :
Previous training and experience in aesthetics, permanent makeup or microblading is necessary, please upload your certificate or proof of experience for the enrolment.

Original Certificate from Korea
加推 Add-on!
微針專修課程 Microneedling Specialist Training

The complete professional microneedling system
一天 7小時
1 Day/7 hours
同時報讀 Plasma 課程優惠
Combo Discount offer for enrolling Plasma training together
HK$2000 off
不包產品/儀器 ,理論+實操
Product/device is not included, Theory and Practical Learning
Face, eyelids, scalp, body, scar
You may purchase the products and devices at your own choice, depending on your need and budget.
報名及查詢 Enrolment & Enquiry
Tel: 852- 3563 9769
Whatsapp: 852- 96017095
Wechat / Line id: kiaratt
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/poppylandhk
Instagram: poppylandhk
Email: info@poppyland.hk
- 學位預留以學費訂金確定支付後為準,學額有限,先到先得;
- 學生需負責繳交訂金/學費所產生之轉賬開支或手續費,主辦機構以收取淨金額為訂金/學費之實數為準;
- 除因無法控制之因素而導致課程取消外,已邀交之訂金/學費不設退款;
- 海外導師課程由於設有最低收生人數要求,課程將於開課日約三星期前確定開課;
- 海外學生可訂購較彈性的機票或住宿,如課程因無法控制之因素而延期或取消,主辦機構或學院無須承擔因延期或取消所引致的開支(包括住宿、機票、交通或其他費用);
- 主辦機構或學院並沒有提供住宿、機票、交通予學生;
- 海外學生需自行申請入境香港所需申辦之簽證,主辦機構或學院並不負責學生所需之簽證費用,如因個人簽證問題而取消或延期課程,主辦機構或學院並不承擔所產生之相關額外開支或費用;
- 任何人士若冒充PhiRemoval Artist、導師 或 在未經授權下開辦相關課程,學院保留一切追究之法律權利;
- 如主辦機構或學院發現學生作出有違守則之行為或未達修讀本課程之要求,主辦機構或學院有權取消該學生的學額。
Terms & Conditions:
- Seats are confirmed to be reserved upon the receipt of deposit. Limited seats, first come, first served;
- Students are responsible for the transaction fee or handling charges incurred for the payment of deposit or tuition fee. The organizer receives the net amount after the deducting all the incurred charges;
- Deposit or tuition fee is non-refundable, unless cancellation of the course upon controllable circumstances;
- Due to the requirement of the minimum number of students for courses instructed by overseas trainers, the course would be confirmed 3 weeks before the training date;
- Overseas students may make flexible bookings/arrangements for flights/accommodations. In case of cancellation of the course due to uncontrollable circumstances, the organizer/the academy were not responsible for any charges/fees incurred by cancellation or postponement of the course, which includes but not limited to accommodations/flights/transportations, etc;
- The organizer/the academy does not provide any accommodations/flights/transportations for the students;
- Overseas students are responsible for the visa requirements for entering Hong Kong. The organizer/the academy is not responsible for the application or fee incurred for the student’s visa. In case of cancellation/postponement of the arrival of the student to attend the course due to visa issues, the organizer/the academy were not responsible for the fees/charges incurred by such circumstances;
- Anyone who make false claims as PhiRemoval Artist, Master or instructing related courses without approval from the academy, PhiAcademy reserves the right to pursue legal actions;
- If the organizer/the academy reveals the violating behaviour or failure to meet the enrollment requirements of the student, the organizer/the academy reserves the right to cancel the seat of the student.