2024年9月16日 (一天)
2024年11月7日 (一天) 韓國光洲
2024年11月20日 (一天)
2024年12月12日 (一天)
時間: 上午9時30分至下午5時30分 (疫情期間,不設提供午餐及茶點)
地點: 觀塘 (香港) / 海外上課地點待定
導師: Kiara Tsui
**(PhiAcademy 東亞及中文地區首位及唯一一位除色課程認可導師 PhiRevmoval Master Technician)
語言: 中文及英語授課
學費: HK$15,800 (香港課) / 海外課 US$2,250
Latest Training Date:
16th Sept, 2024
7th Nov, 2024 Gwangju, Korea
20th Nov, 2024
12th Dec, 2024
Time: 9:30am to 5:30pm (Lunch and snacks would not be provided during pandemic control)
Venue: Kwun Tong (Hong Kong) / Overseas venues TBC
Trainer: Master Technician Kiara Tsui
**(The first and only PhiRemoval Master Technician in East Asia and Chinese Speaking Region)
Language: Chinese & English
Tuition Fee: HK$ 15,800 (Hong Kong) / Overseas US$2,250
修讀要求 Prerequisite :
Previous training and experience in permanent makeup or microblading is necessary, please upload your certificate or proof of experience for the enrolment.
PhiRemoval 是運用乙醇酸進行之非激光色素移除技術,滲透性高,能有效、快捷及安全方法移除任何位置和任何顏色的紋身或半永久化妝色素。全球多國近四千位紋繡師進修項目,增加客源及幫助更多有需要的客人。
不需要買機器或相關光學證照,而且不怕重金屬色素會因為激光變異成致癌物,皮膚色、黃色等不能用激光祛除的色素,眉、眼線、唇、髮線、乳暈位置的舊紋繡或紋身,都可以利用PhiRemoval 清除。含氧化鐵的紅眉、黑眉、灰眉、藍眉、皮膚色都可以有效祛除!
最新的培訓課程包含 第一代PhiRemoval , 第二代 PhiRemoval Light S 及 第三代 Enzymes Power ,還有免麻除色技術,是有史以來最全面的內容!不用遠飛歐洲都能學到現時全球最多實證及最有效的除色技術,並取得國際認証!
PhiRemoval product is based on Glycolic Acid which features high penetration, together with a specific methodology, provides an effective drawing of unwanted tattoo ink without exposing the skin to severe mechanical procedures. The best option for learning and expanding your business as recommended by thousands of permanent makeup artists worldwide.
PhiRemoval is non-color selective (applicable to all tattoo colors), efficient, less scarring and significantly less expensive.
It will be worth saving your money and investing in a professional tattoo removal to ensure you for getting the best removal results. It would definitely be beneficial to both of you and your clients.
The latest PhiRemoval training covers the usage of the original PhiRemoval method, plus the new techniques with PhiRemoval Light S and Enzyme Power, for a better result for different clients and conditions.
Theoretical learning and practical training are both emphasised in this course. Students could further study about skin and colour pigmentations, also familiar with using different needles and tools. Case studies and practices help the students to analyze skin and pigment condition accurately. This course is suitable for current permanent make-up artists, masters, trainers, beginners who have already finished a basic course and tattoo artists for advanced training, it is also beneficial for the permanent make up techniques.
This technique is not contraindicated with laser tattoo removal methods, with both could be worked in combinations when needed. Lots of students who have already been experienced in laser, would also enrol this course to break through the limitations for developing the new treatment options.
- PhiRemoval 簡介
- PhiRemoval 與其他色素移除方法之分別
- 療程操作方法
- 術後護理
- 產品介紹
- Fitzpatrick Skin Type 皮膚分類法
- 儀器及手工操作的方法及分別
- PhiRemoval 及激光操作之不同
- 清除眉、眼線、唇色及紋身的操作方法
- 個案研習
- 辨識疤痕組織
- 真人實習
- Basic info about Phiremoval
- Differences between the tattoo remover products
- Brows, eyeliner, lips and tattoo removal procedures
- Hygiene
- Postcare
- Products kit
- Manual v.s. Machine
- Indications for PhiRemovals, laser or non-laser removal
- Fitzpatrick Skin Types
- Case Studies
- All about scars
- Work on live models
**贈送 全新除色產品套裝(價值超過 HK$4,500) 包括:
** Free Starter Kit (value over HK$4,500) including:
- PhiRemoval Enzyme Power 專用酵素除色液 x1pc
- PhiRemoval Light S 專用輕除色液 x1pc
- Neutraliser 中和液 10ml x1pc
- Skin Candy Aftercare Balm 術後修復霜 10ml x9pcs
- Skin Candy Scar Coverage Gel 術後疤痕預防護理液 10ml x9pcs
- 3R、5R 、9 Double Flat 雙排針 & 38 Pin Shading Needles 打霧針 x20pcs
- 色杯 Pigment Cups x50pcs
- PhiLashes Micro Applicator 微棉棒 x1pack
- PhiWipes After Care 清潔消毒濕紙巾 x20pcs
- Universal Holder 多用途手工筆 x1pc
- PhiGlow Holder 專貴版多用途手工筆 x1pc
當天課程完結後,所有同學將獲發 出席證書 Certificate of Attendance。
課程費用已包含 Craft Master 應用程式 六個月線上課程、大量影片、圖片、講義及導師支援,在導師指導下完成所有程度要求即可成為 PhiRemoval Technician ,取得個人專屬 Logo 水印及國際認證PhiRemoval Technician Certificate,並登錄 PhiAcademy 世界地圖 http://www.phi-academy.com/community/ ,所有已取得認證的Technician 及 Master 導師均可在地圖上找到。
Certificate of Attendance would be given to students who have completed the live training day.
6 months online training manual, video and master support on Craft Master App included.Students who could pass all levels on Craft Master online course would become PhiRemoval Artist and to be listed on PhiAcademy World Map http://www.phi-academy.com/community/
查詢 Enquiry:
Tel: +852-35639769
Whatsapp: +852-96017095
WeChat/Line id: kiaratt
Email: phiremovalhk@gmail.com
1對1 私人課程,請聯繫我們了解更多。
For individual private trainings, please contact us directly.
報名 Enrolment:
請填寫以下報名表格,並繳交 HK$ 7,500 訂金作留位費用。訂金不設退款(課程取消除外),尾數HK$ 8,300 請於上課日最少7天前繳交。
Please submit this application form for registration. HK$ 7,500 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your slot. The balance payment of HK$ 8,300 should be made at least 7 days before the training date.
Credit card charge would be applied for students who would like to pay by credit card.
**只有曾報讀由PhiAcademy 的PhiRemoval Master 導師所教授的課程的學生及畢業生才可以購買並使用 PhiRemoval Liquid 專用除色液,未曾報讀本學院課程的人士無法購買本產品。
曾報讀未經PhiAcademy 學院所授權 或 非學院導師教授 的除色課程之人士亦無法購買本產品,任何人士若冒充PhiRemoval Artist、導師 或 在未經授權下開辦相關課程,學院保留一切追究之法律權利。
The PhiRemoval liquid and professional products are only accessible to students and graduates of trainings from appointed PhiRemoval Masters of PhiAcademy.
Persons who have trained by unapproved trainers of PhiAcademy could not purchase this product. PhiAcademy reserves the lawful right to claim against any unapproved or imitating trainings, trainers or technicians.
- 學位預留以學費訂金確定支付後為準,學額有限,先到先得;
- 學生需負責繳交訂金/學費所產生之轉賬開支或手續費,主辦機構以收取淨金額為訂金/學費之實數為準;
- 除因無法控制之因素而導致課程取消外,已邀交之訂金/學費不設退款;
- 海外導師課程由於設有最低收生人數要求,課程將於開課日約三星期前確定開課;
- 海外學生可訂購較彈性的機票或住宿,如課程因無法控制之因素而延期或取消,主辦機構或學院無須承擔因延期或取消所引致的開支(包括住宿、機票、交通或其他費用);
- 主辦機構或學院並沒有提供住宿、機票、交通予學生;
- 海外學生需自行申請入境香港所需申辦之簽證,主辦機構或學院並不負責學生所需之簽證費用,如因個人簽證問題而取消或延期課程,主辦機構或學院並不承擔所產生之相關額外開支或費用;
- 任何人士若冒充PhiRemoval Artist、導師 或 在未經授權下開辦相關課程,學院保留一切追究之法律權利;
- 如主辦機構或學院發現學生作出有違守則之行為或未達修讀本課程之要求,主辦機構或學院有權取消該學生的學額。
Terms & Conditions:
- Seats are confirmed to be reserved upon the receipt of deposit. Limited seats, first come, first served;
- Students are responsible for the transaction fee or handling charges incurred for the payment of deposit or tuition fee. The organizer receives the net amount after the deducting all the incurred charges;
- Deposit or tuition fee is non-refundable, unless cancellation of the course upon controllable circumstances;
- Due to the requirement of the minimum number of students for courses instructed by overseas trainers, the course would be confirmed 3 weeks before the training date;
- Overseas students may make flexible bookings/arrangements for flights/accommodations. In case of cancellation of the course due to uncontrollable circumstances, the organizer/the academy were not responsible for any charges/fees incurred by cancellation or postponement of the course, which includes but not limited to accommodations/flights/transportations, etc;
- The organizer/the academy does not provide any accommodations/flights/transportations for the students;
- Overseas students are responsible for the visa requirements for entering Hong Kong. The organizer/the academy is not responsible for the application or fee incurred for the student’s visa. In case of cancellation/postponement of the arrival of the student to attend the course due to visa issues, the organizer/the academy were not responsible for the fees/charges incurred by such circumstances;
- Anyone who make false claims as PhiRemoval Artist, Master or instructing related courses without approval from the academy, PhiAcademy reserves the right to pursue legal actions;
- If the organizer/the academy reveals the violating behaviour or failure to meet the enrollment requirements of the student, the organizer/the academy reserves the right to cancel the seat of the student.