PhiLings Training Hong Kong Nov 2019 年11月香港 明眸提升及抗衰老全方位課程

September 6, 2019 Training, Uncategorized

PhiLings 可針對的皮膚問題多樣化,效果顯著,全球唯一 MTS + Phi-Ion 混合技巧全方位課程,非入侵性療程或高能量儀器使用,安全有效,任何人都可以成為您的目標客戶!
PhiLings is currently the only MTS + Phi-Ion combined technique training which you could offer treatments for anyone in the market! Non-invasive neither high energy devices involved, safe and highly effective!

香港課程!11 月19-20日 First ever Hong Kong Training! 19-20th Nov, 2019!
由PhiAcademy 顧問醫生 @doctor.phi 親自任教!with Dr. Phi Vladimir Zec M.D.!

2 Days Live Training! plus 2 professional devices, product kits & aftercare kits, 3 months online training and internationally recognized certificate!

💪🏻 英文授課、中文翻譯 Instruction in English, Interpretation in Chinese

課程適合想增加收入及技能的 紋繡師、美容師、香薰治癒師、美睫師、化妝師等相關行業人士及學生!
Suitable for anyone with beautician/permanent makeup/aromatherapist/medical related background and who would like to offer additional services to their clients and to help people who are suffering from different skin & health problems.

名額有限!把握機會!Limited Seats! R.S.V.P. !

報名及查詢 Enrollments & Enquiry
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